About Us
A journey of a million miles begins with a single step, but who would have thought that the journey of Prayosha would begin from the first episode of SatyamevJayate televised nationally on May 6, 2012. The episode focuses on one of the most sensitive social issues prevalent in modern India – “female feticide”. As you continue to sit through the episode, it dawns on one that the problem is more flagrant not only in the rural areas but also amongst the major metro cities in India. In one segment, the illustration of the map of India slowly transitions from soft red to blood red depicting the area of fewer numbers of female feticides to areas where the crime was committed in large numbers. It tears the fabric of your soul watching the entire map of India now in different shades of red. Not a single white speck.
The question that instantaneously comes in our mind – How is India progressive in the 21st century? We might be growing economically but what about all the social issues? We think it is left to the masses to address social issues. The episode brought about a realization that an economically backward family was forced to limit education to their children & invariably the girl child lost out.
Prayosha is a 100% volunteer-run organization and there is a constant need to add more. We aim to identify and develop volunteers who can demonstrate a transformational change in our angels.
With small footsteps, our volunteers are spreading the Prayosha’s mission of “Women Empowerment”. We continue to search for volunteers to address some of the challenges facing our angels:
Educators in the area of Spoken English
Impart skills in the area of fashion design, music, arts etc.
Life Coaches – who can deliver training for public speaking, personality development, help set goals and assist in the personal growth of our angels.
Work with our angels to help monitor their progress at school and personal life.
Run Vocational programs imparting soft skills and basic skills preparing to enter the workforce
Corporate leaders – who can contribute through their organizations CSR model to place our angels in the job workforce through internship programs, training or permanent job placements.